Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mother vs. Cats


Whilst your sister and father were recently away on vacation it was my misfortune to be left to deal with our two cats and their odorous litter boxes. I was feeling rather annoyed with this less than pleasurable duty and as I grimaced and emptied the boxes a memory suddenly popped into my head. As you know, cats are not my favourite animals, and upon more than one occasion I have experienced overwhelming spasms of disgust when dealing with their boxes, the dead creatures they leave as gifts at various unsuitable locations around the house, and the hair they shed in copious amounts that manage to attach to my best clothing just as I set out for an evening out with cat-less friends in perfectly immaculate cat-hair-free outfits. On the other hand, your dear father adores the cats, takes great pride in their expertise as hunters and will not hear of our sending them packing.

Several years ago while cleaning up a nasty "message" one of the cats had left on the carpet I muttered under my breath that I had had enough of the cats and either they were leaving once and for all or I was. Apparently I had proclaimed my threat louder than I'd thought and, unbeknownst to me, your sister stood just behind me. At the sound of her bursting into tears I spun around and asked her what was wrong. After several moments of loud wails followed by much gasping, sniffling and snuffling, she was able to blurt out - But Mommy, I'm going to miss you so much!

Priorities ...


Sunday, July 08, 2007

An E-Mail From Your Ever Charming Father

Hello my fabulous daughter,

I do believe your dear father, currently in Hawaii with your sister, is missing me much more that I'd anticipated: below is the e-mail I received from him this morning:

"While sitting in the local brew house waiting for my ale I realized that I was pretty much the only person over 12 years old that was not sporting some kind of body art. Well today I succumbed to the social pressure and had a large fish hook (8" from from eye to point ) tattooed on the back of my left calve. On my right calve is an image of your face Barbara with some text above each. Now when I stand with my legs together the fish hook looks as though it is in your mouth and the text reads "I'M HOOKED ON YOU BARB." Now that i conform to the new culture of the Big Island of Hawaii I am starting to fit in. When I walk down the street I get the hang loose signal, people call me bro, and I generally feel like more of an individual. Love Garth"

Of course, I am hoping your father is joking ...

Love your wonderful mother

Monday, July 02, 2007

With Love to Auntie Candy

It is with great sadness I report my Aunt Candy, mother of the groom featured in the Chronicles of the S&G Wedding, passed away June 25th, after a challenging two years living with cancer. Her strength and courage were an inspiration to everyone who knew her and also to those who didn't but read about her journey on her blog

Candy, you will be forever in our hearts.

Love Barbara