Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Push Present

My darling fabulous daughter,

I had a delightful visit a few weeks ago with a dear friend, her daughter - now a new mother, and her two-week-old angel-faced grandbaby. As new mommy was patting the baby’s back I noticed she wore a ring with an unusually large central gemstone that was surrounded by glittering diamonds. I commented on the rather spectacular ring and was told it was a “push present”.

Push present? I’d never heard the term before, but was soon enlightened: it’s a gift a new mother receives from the baby’s father for “pushing out a baby”. Oh how indelicate is modern phraseology! During the tender years of my youth a baby was ‘brought by the stork’ or ‘found in the garden under a cabbage leaf’ - far less visceral evocations than “pushing out a baby”. But, I digress…

After my initial wonder of what kind of money-grubbing concept the jewelry industry would next concoct in efforts to divert savings away from education funds and into its greedy coffers, I conducted a little research on-line. I soon discovered that while push presents are a relatively new phenomenon in North America, there’s a long-standing tradition of giving jewelry to new mothers in other countries.

Soon the gears in my wee brain began churning in a new direction:  being Canadian, and Canada being part of the British Commonwealth, and there being a long-standing tradition in England of jewelry-giving to new mothers, and it being more than a few years since I've received an extravagant gift of jewelry from my husband, the father of my babies … you can see where my thoughts were leading me.

And so it came to be that while working in the yard a few days later, I shared my newfound knowledge of push presents with your father. I described the sound reasoning behind such gifts, occasionally tapping my dilapidated trowel in the air to punctuate salient points, such as the 9 month-long-and-beyond ruination of a once lithe body, the rigors and agonies of protracted labour, etc. Finally, to illustrate my glowing description of the maharani-worthy ring worn by my friend’s lovely daughter, I drew a circle (the gold band) in the air with my wobbly-handled trowel and made a few emphatic stabs where the large gemstone and diamonds were located. Then, with what I supposed to be a winning smile, I suggested that although a few decades had passed since the blessed events, I, myself, would not be adverse to receiving a push present or two.

All too predictably, your father snorted in disgust and said he’d never heard anything so ridiculous in his entire life; that our two gorgeous daughters were presents enough. With a frightful scowl marring his handsome face, he then started his oversized (and overloud) lawn mower and roared around the yard like a demon on a mission until he’d covered the near quarter acre lawn - twice!

Imagine my surprise, then, when the dear man came home the following afternoon and announced he’d bought me a push present. He stood before me like a schoolboy with his hand behind his back, and the expression on his face told me he was exceedingly pleased with himself. With a flourish, he handed me a brand new trowel manufactured from one piece of tough plastic incapable of degenerating to the point of wobbling. “If you don’t like it,” he cheerfully proclaimed, “you can shovel it!”

Friday, June 08, 2012

About lipstick ...

My dear fabulous daughter,

This is actually an open rant to womankind.

You probably own more than one tube of off-coloured lipstick. You know what I’m talking about - that tube you bought when you were thinking it was time to change up the colour of your lips, just for fun, just to add a little pizzazz to your face. After all, when you dabbed the tester on the back of your hand or on the inside of your wrist, it looked pretty good, right?

You got home, swiped the tube over your lips (which, by the way, bear no resemblance whatsoever to the colour of the back of your hand or the inside of your wrist), smiled at yourself in the mirror and … dang … you then daubed on a second coat in hopes it might improve the look. With a flooding sense of disappointment, you wiped the double coating off with a tissue, reapplied a single coat, then brushed some gloss on top to try to tone it down or perk it up… %#$@!! 

Now you own a tube of unsuitable lipstick and you can’t just throw it away - that would be extravagantly wasteful; even if you wiped the barely used edge off with a paper towel, it’s no longer pristine, so your favourite women’s charity won’t accept it – despite your best efforts it has that creepy look inherent to someone else’s used (contaminated) lipstick. You might pass it along to a close girlfriend, or try to return it to the store, but in the meantime it languishes in your cosmetic drawer until one morning you realize you’ve run out of lip balm and use that near-at-hand neglected lipstick instead.

When you sit down at the breakfast table you don’t think about the mixed messages you’re sending your significant other, dressed as you are in your tired old bathrobe with the week-old yoghurt drip on the lapel, with your sleep-tousled hair standing on end, with creases from your pillow case indented on the side of your early-morning-pale face, and your lips sporting a most unbecoming shade of red aptly named Frankly Scarlet. At that point, my dear, you don't give a damn...